Tuesday, December 25, 2012

And a Merry Christmas to all!

Did you know that in Denver we are only 13% likely to have snow fall on Christmas Day. This year it happened!

Such a great day. Nic and I started our Christmas morning opening our gifts from each other. I am thrilled with my new phone case and books to read over my break! After that, we shoveled the three inches of snow that accumulated overnight from our driveway and that of our wonderful neighbors. It felt good to do something nice for them, and this way they could enjoy the beauty of the snow and the white Christmas.

My parents came a little while later, and more opening of presents! Nic loves the new clothes and Xbox 360. I think the highlight of my Christmas was watching Gus the Dog wander the house trying to find a place to hide his new rawhide bones! It was hilarious. He wore himself out moving them around from place to place throughout the house. He has one hidden safely on the bottom shelf of the entertainment center upstairs in my office. I don't think he remembers he put it there....he was looking for it earlier! So funny!

I didn't get any photos of my parents, I am so bad with that! Everyone gets here and I get so busy with the cooking. We had traditional Italian Christmas dinner again this year - it was yummy!

Below are our 2012 Christmas highlights!


Merry Christmas all!!!!



  1. Beautiful Pics! Looks like a nice Christmas!
    I can't beleive how all of our kids are grown up. So weird. I miss the old days! haha.. They were alot of work but it looks like the work paid off! They are all such great kids.
    I can't wait to skype. Hopefully soon!
    Love and miss you all.

    1. Hey Girlie! Thanks for the lovely comments!!!! We are so lucky with these great kiddos!!!!

      I promise we'll Skype soon - I have been sick all this week:-( But should be on the up and upo from here. Now I just need to get my voice back!
